Saturday, October 24, 2015

Week 2

Building on the theme of effective communications, I created the following discussion and question for my classmates:

(Deresky, 2013) suggested a model for effective intercultural communications, offering the following seven behaviors of effective multi-cultural managers:

1. Respect (conveyed through eye-contact, body posture, voice tone, and pitch)2. Interaction posture (the ability to respond to others in a descriptive, nonevaluative, and nonjudgmental way)3. Orientation to knowledge (recognizing that one's knowledge, perception, and beliefs are valid for only oneself and not for everyone else)4. Empathy5. Interaction management6. Tolerance for ambiguity7. Other-oriented role behavior (one's capacity to be flexible and to adopt to different roles for the sake of greater group cohesion and group communication)

Which women or men, in current or recent history, whom we all may recognize, have these qualities?

I asked this question because I believe in modeling behaviors we wish to see in others. However I also asked this question so that I could identify role models, and see specific examples of these behaviors in action.

The responses I received from classmates was rewarding. One of my favorite compliments was that of “looking out” (a reference to classmates as future business leaders, and examples to consider).  This was part of my intent in posing my question – I was hoping for relevance and something of value. Several classmates commented specifically on the importance of empathy, the distinction between the two, and their importance. Other classmates provided individuals they felt exhibited these qualities. The list (at the time of this blog post) includes: Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson. I appreciate the diversity on this list, yet would like more examples. Specifically women. I have read quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt, and appreciate her words. I will make a point of searching videos of her delivery and communication style.


Deresky, H. (2013), International management: Managing across borders and cultures (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall

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